One of the world’s deepest Metros
Last spring, we conducted a major review of the project to find smart, effective solutions that would fit our budget. And we succeeded.
“After the summer, we worked through the entire project in preparation for the consultation,” says project manager Martin Hellgren. “It’s an extensive and complex project and there’s a lot to take into consideration.”
New station entrances
Now we can show where the stations’ entrances can be located and what they might look like. The work was carried out in close collaboration with City of Stockholm, Nacka Municipality and Trafikförvaltningen (the Traffic Administration).
“Some station entrances will be located in new buildings, others in freestanding units, and in some cases we will be incorporating the entrances into existing buildings, for example at Vintertullstorget and Gullmarsplan,” Martin Hellgren goes on.
“We think we’ve found good solutions for all the new stations. They blend in with their surroundings in the various areas where we’re building.”
Large lifts at several stations
Something that the project team is often asked about is Sofia, which will be one of the world’s deepest metro stations. We have arrived at a good solution for the station now.
“It isn’t only Sofia station but also Gullmarsplan and Nacka Centrum that will be located deep below the ground,” says Martin Hellgren. “At those two stations, we’re building a combination of escalators at one exit and large lifts at the other.”
Write to: Emma Sahlman
Phone: 072-582 44 30
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