Great interest when the world came to Stockholm
Over the course of the day-long event, company representatives were informed about all the major initiatives that are underway in the public transport system.
“I fielded many curious questions, and there is a very great deal of interest in participating in the expansion of our Metro system,” says Andreas Burghauser, the project manager for the Metro that is to be built under Södermalm.
“It’s great to meet and talk with the people who will be building for us,” says Anna Nylén, the project manager for the Metro to Barkarby.
Anna Nylén’s project will be first in line when the expansion gets underway. The construction of the work tunnels will begin very soon, so the contracts are already prepared.
“There was massive interest in our next contract, for building what will become the track tunnel between Akalla, and Barkarby,” she explains.
The idea behind the event is to spread knowledge about both upcoming contracts and about what it’s like to work in Sweden. The day was therefore attended not only by representatives of Stockholm County Council’s big infrastructure projects, but also by those involved in the Swedish Tax Agency and Stockholm Business Region, which has a mandate to help businesses to establish themselves here.
The extende Metro project is the single largest investment in expanded public transportation and presented more than 30 contracts worth billions of Swedish kronor.
“There are many of us who will be building a great deal in a short period of time here in Stockholm – that means it’s important for us to present our exciting projects so that we get a lot of good bidders for our major contracts,” explains Administrative Director Mårten Frumerie.
Write to: Emma Sahlman
Phone: 072-582 44 30
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