Which artist is to decorate which station has now been revealed
The Shell by Åsa Jungnelius will be at Hagastaden.
On 20 January the names of the artists chosen to decorate the new stations were revealed. Also revealed was which artist will be responsible for which station.Underground trees in Sofia, a shell embodying the concept of Life Science at Hagastaden, a radical sculptural composition at Barkarby Station, and crossing ice in the Slakthus area. These were some of the results when each artist was allocated one of the twelve future stations. An architect and a project manager/station manager from each line extension were involved in the choice of which artist would work on which station.
”This is great fun! It will be really exciting to be able to work with these particular artists at these particular locations,” says Håkan Wilken, who is in charge of the seven stations on the Nacka branch and Söderort.
Write to: Emma Sahlman
Phone: 072-582 44 30
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