Q&A – Supplier day
Below are answers to the questions received during our Supplier Day on February 14, 2024. If you missed the event, you can watch it later and access the presentations here. Please note that only questions related to relevant procurements and current procurement strategies are provided below.
If you have other questions, feel free to ask them via email.
Will the involvement of a consultant in one of the engineering contracts preclude participation as designer for the TBM D&B procedure?
If a prior involvement of a consultant in one of the engineering contracts will preclude participation as a designer for the TBM D&B procedure will have to be assessed by the contracting entity on case-by-case basis. However in general, a tenderer that has participated in the preparation of a procurement may be excluded from the procedure only if there is no other way to ensure that the principle of equal treatment is observed. Before the tenderer is excluded from the procedure, it should be given the chance to present an investigation showing that its participation in the preparations cannot lead to distortion of competition.
The decision on the systems to be included in the Traffic System procurement will impact the scope of the E&M in civil work procurement. How will you coordinate it?
Electrical and Mechanical works in stations will be coordinated with traffic systems in the tunnels by the client.
What is the range in footprint of the shafts in square meters?
Approximately 350-400 square meters.
Regarding Traffic systems: Are there any consultancy procurements on Bygghandlingar to be announced?
The procurement of rolling stock and traffic system is planned to include detailed design.
As I understood it, the index would first be regulated after 18 months. why so long? It’s a troubled world we live in.
The lead time between tender date and start of working field is normally quite long. Therefore 18 months is believed to be a fare time for indexation of prices.
Have you procured reception facilities to receive the rock spoil from the tunnels?
We will advise where to transport the rock spoil in the tender documets for caverns and TBM. For accesstunnels, resposibility for the handeling of the rock spoil will rest with the contractor.
Does the drilled tunnels equal ballastless tracks?
We plan to use ballast less tracks for this TBM.
Does the design of the Yellow Line at this stage already specify sections which do require special vibration attenuation at track systems due to the geology and the housings above the tunnel?
We have not yet received an environmental verdict for the implementation of the yellow line and therefore we are unable to answer this question.
Is their a possibility that TBM will change to a drill and blast procedure?
We will base our forthcomming approval processes and procurement on the TBM stragety described.
For the TBM contract have you based it on use of one or two TBM’s?
We base the planning on two TBM´s.
A major expense is the landfill cost for the material coming out of the tunnel. Are there no procurements for receiving facilities to handle the rock spoil?
We will advise where to transport the rock spoil in the tender documets for caverns and TBM. For accesstunnels, resposibility for the handleing of the rock spoil will rest with the contractor.
Can you set a page where we can present ourself as potential sub-contractor?
We will look into this and see what can be done.
For Consultancy services. It was mention that Bygghandlingar was planned to be procured during 2024 and 2025. What bygghandlingar is that and its contents and preliminary dates for publishing?
The consultancy service aims at producing of tecknical documentation for our tender documents. All rockworks will be based on detalild design.
Will excavation of caverns for stations be part of SOW on TBM contract?
Excavation of Årstaberg station is planned to be part of TBM SOW.
Have you planned to have further information meeting for consultants? As international consultant it could be useful to hear more of oppertunities for consultants.
You are welcome to contact us: upphandling.fut@regionstockholm.se
We will try to meet as many stakeholders/potential bidders as possible both in order to get feedback on our procurement strategy and to promote our procurements.
Will materials be included in the contracts or be in separate contracts?
All temporary electrical installations are planned to be included in the rock contract. Permanent electricity supply is planned to be part of the materiel package.
When BEST-package?
BEST are planned to be a part of the rolling stock delivery.
How SL will manage their consultants “not to be too much/extremly focused on the contract” but more on the partnership and cooperative works to be in time/in quality/professionnal?
Partnership/collaboration is essential to all projects and it comes out of a combination of mindset and competense. We strive to put together a competent organisation, with two objectives: To help and support the contractor as much as possible, but also to ensure that we reciev the agreed product. We seek competent contractors, focused on delivery on time and with good quality.
Are architectural services included in the engineering assignments that will be released in March?
Yes, it will be included.
In which stage is the planning of the depot?
We have the locality decided, and layout of tracks. Scematic design of the depo is ongoing.
Regarding the upcoming procurements of Bygghandlingar, will that evaluation be based on best offer no matter of speaking language English/Swedish?
The evaulation will be based on the best offer no matter of speaking language.
Will you allow for both SEK and Euro pricing?
Prices in Swedish kronor apply to our procurements and contracts.
How many packages will be tendered?
Please see the presentation from the Supplier Day regarding packaging of contracts and follow us on our website.
We will gradually update the procurement schedule on the web with planned procurements for the yellow line.
Aktuella upphandlingar
Current procurements
Can you give us a brief overview of the operations and maintenance concept for the new yellow line?
A brief overview has been presented in the RFI process. We are continusly working to refine the operation and maintenance concept.
About PSD deliveries: special attention is neede for delivery of PSD boxes that can be 7m long. Are deliveries planned to be from the depot or through the station boxes? (attention to shafts)
It depends. It is possible to drive out with work vehicles from the depot or via work tunnels to the stations.
Are Platform Screen Doors part of package #4?
It has not yet been decided.
Will the contractual documentation be in English or Swedish?
The contractual language is not yet decided.
What will be the language used for procurement process? Is Swedish mandatory, partially mandatory?
The procurement language is not yet decided.
Which language will be contract language?
The contractual language is not yet decided.
Will the Depo mentioned be done with drill-and-blast and will that be a sepparate contract?
Parts of the depot will have a tunnel with TBM, but much will be drilling/blasting.
Will the procurement take place through collaboration/partnership?
Partnering/collaboration is for us a mind set and not a form of contract, and it will be an essential part of the works. In order to establish a successful relation between contractor and Client, we intend to meet up with a knowledgable team with the mind set to both help the contractor to delvier successfully, and to ensure that the dilivery is in line with the contract.
Is Region Stockholm considering Alliance model contracts or Early Contractor’s Involvement for teh New line to Älvsjö?
Partnering/collaboration is for us a mind set and not a form of contract, and it will be an essential part of the works. In order to establish a successful relation between contractor and Client, we intend to meet up with a knowledgable team with the mind set to both help the contractor to delvier successfully, and to ensure that the dilivery is in line with the contract.
Will be there an Early Contractor Involvement on Älvsjo?
Partnering/collaboration is for us a mind set and not a form of contract, and it will be an essential part of the works. In order to establish a successful relation between contractor and Client, we intend to meet up with a knowledgable team with the mind set to both help the contractor to delvier successfully, and to ensure that the dilivery is in line with the contract.
How many contractors will be shortlisted for each contract?
We have not yet decided what qualification requirements we will set in each procurement whether and what selection criteria will be applied.
Insurance. All builders risk which is company provided?
This will be announced in our procurement documentations.
I have questions about consulting assignments. Where should I turn?
You are welcome to ask questions via upphandling.fut@regionstockholm.se
Please note that questions about an ongoing procurement should always be asked via our procurement system TendSign.
Why do you divide the work in larger and smaller packages? Are you concerned that if one of the packages is delayed it will affect the rest?
We want to create packages that secure the project’s schedule, create a reasonable distribution of risk between the parties and also attractive packages for procurements.
A delay in the carvern contracts will be a risk. Such risk exists also if the cavern are an internal deliverable within a larger scope of work for the TBM contractor. The packageing will allow critical works with building and E&M works in the station to go on parallell with the TBM. We will consider the program for the station before the start of the TBM.
Tender for detail design of the new metro line has been mentioned during the introduction: does this mean that the procurement will run with construct only contracts?
Drill and blast contracts will be Construction only, with renumeration based on BoQ. TBM works and subsequent build and electro mechanical contracts will be based on design and build contracts.
Will the procurement take place through collaboration/partnership?
Partnering/collaboration is for us a mind set and not a form of contract, and it will be an essential part of the works. In order to establish a successful relation between contractor and Client, we intend to meet up with a knowledgable team with the mind set to both help the contractor to delvier successfully, and to ensure that the dilivery is in line with the contract.
Have you decided on contract model as yet?
Drill and blast contracts are planned to be Construction only, with renumeration based on BoQ. TBM works and subsequent build and electro mechanical contracts are planned to be based on design and build contracts. It has however not yet been decided which general provisions will be applied to each contract. We are working further with the procurement strategy to clarify these questions.
Thoughts on compensation format? Unit rates vs lump sums?
All rock works involving drill and blast works are planned to be based on BoQ. TBM drilling is planned to be based on excavation classes and geological base line. The details in this are however not yet set. Subsequent buildning and electro mechanical works will larbely be based on fixed prices.
Why do you choose to TBM drill this stretch?
We have decided to use TBM technology and watertight linging since the ground water requireement recieved in other projects gets increasingly difficult to meet. A TBM is also deemed to reduce the risksk associated with crossing of the lake Mälaren.
Will you specify the TBM type or rather specify functional requirements – in order to stimulate innovation – for what the TBM shall achieve?
We plan to specify fuctional requrement in combination with requriements on minimum performance/capabilities. The requirement specification will appear in the request documents and is not something we can share at this stage.
Many procurements are too big for us to attend. Can you arrange for small and local entreprenuers to get in contact with the large contractors as a sub-contractor?
We will look into this and see what can be done.
About sustainability, is there any sustainability rating tool/evaluation to be demonstrated tduring bidding phase please?
No. In our procurements, we set sustainability requirements that apply during the contract period.
Thoughts on conflict resolution methods? Arbitration vs mediation etc?
It has not yet been decided which general provisions or wich conflict resolution will be applied to each contract. We are working further with the procurement strategy to clarify these questions.
We realize that you have 5 packages procurement for yellow line.
We would like to know which packages need security requirement (GSA) ? We assume package 2 with TMB need GSA, can you confirm.
Work on security clearance of the business is ongoing. Which of the procurements are covered by GSA will be clearly stated in the respective procurement documents.
“The selection of suppliers” phase implies a prequalification process to be submitted?
We use Transq as a qualification system. Tender interests must be prequalified in Transq in order to participate in our procurements.
What is the procedure for hiring consultants?
For the acquisition of consultants, we use the consultant agency Magnit. Consultants must be registered in Magnit in order to participate in our requests for consultants.
Will there be contracts procured with only soft parameters?
Public procurement law provides for three possible award criteria for the evaluation of tenders: the best price/quality ratio, cost or price. For procurements with a value of approximately SEK 100,000,000, we use the best price-quality ratio as an evaluation model.
How is the contract split? And how big is the volume in SEK ?
Please see the presentation from the Supplier Day regarding the packaging of contracts and the estimated size of them.
The estimated size in intervals will also be shown in the procurement plan available on our website. The timetable is gradually updated with planned procurements for the Yellow Line.
Aktuella upphandlingar
Current procurements
Could you provide an estimate value of the contract?
Please see the presentation from the Supplier Day regarding the packaging of contracts and the estimated size of them.
The estimated size in intervals will also be shown in the procurement plan available on our website. The timetable is gradually updated with planned procurements for the Yellow Line.
Aktuella upphandlingar
Current procurements
We have extensive experience about Safety in construction. One key aspect is about the stations builders: will there be 1 contractor for all stations? or 1 contractor by station?
Please see the presentation from the Supplier Day regarding the packaging of contracts. It has not yet been decided yet how many procurements will be for stations. We are working further with the procurement strategy to clarify these questions.
Will a looser fee be provided for not winning tenderers?
We do not plan to compensate for participation in procurements.
Is the Depot in Älvsjö purposedly built for the Yellow line, or will it be shared with other vehicles/lines?
It will only be for Yellow Line.
Will the track superstructure for Älvsjö be ballastless?
The line will be ballst-free. Parts of the depot will be with ballasted track.
Is TransQ used also for procurement of rolling stock with included system?
TransQ is our qualification system that is currently used for all proTransQ is our qualification system that is currently used for all procurements.
The administration are in the final stages of procuring logistics services for the blue line southbound.
Are there any planned procurements for similar services (logistics) for the yellow line?
There are no planned procurements for similar services (logistics) for the yellow line.
What will be your qualification criteria?
The qualification criteria for each procurement will be announced in our procurement documentations.
Will you kindly deliver the presented slides to us participants?
The presentation is now available on our website.
Are Fidic Emerald Book Contracts in the procurement stream of tunnel jobs planned?
It has not been decided yet. We review which form of contract we intend to apply. This work is ongoing.
About the Platform Screen Doors (PSD) system, from our understanding there is no clear strategy about PSD procurement as it could be direclty with Region Stockholm or through an Integrator?
At this moment we are working with the procurement strategy to clarify these questions.
Are you planning to use standard terms and conditions, I.e ABT06, FIDIC or other format coming with jurisprudence?
It has not yet been decided which general provisions will be applied to each contract. We are working further with the procurement strategy to clarify these questions.