Answers to Submitted Questions
Below, we have answered all the questions that were submitted during the broadcast. We have not answered questions that we believe were addressed in our presentation or were answered by the speakers in the studio
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Can you explain what you call “added value” in the evaluation of tenders for package 3?
Added value is a value added to the question in question, as assessed by FUT, which results in a deduction from the tender sum submitted. We have not yet decided which added values will be used in the evaluation of package 3.
How many ventilation shafts along the tunnel route?
Along the tunnel route we have seven air exchange shafts and two fire gas shafts.
How will you manage BAS-U at the workplaces?
The standard procedure is for the administration to appoint the main contractors for each contract as BAS-U. However, there may be exceptions.
How many TBM will be used ?
2 TBMs will be used.
We are a producer of very specific building materials for the structures of metro lines and stations. I hope that we can register as candidate-material supplier. Or is it up to the applicator of our material to do it?
As a potential subcontractor, you are advised to contact potential main contractors or bidders directly.
Could you repeat the name of the consultant please? where we have to register?
If you are a consultancy firm, you should contact Magnit, our broker for consultancy services, who assists us in selecting consultants for various assignments. If you wish to participate in our construction procurements, you need to register with TransQ under the relevant code.
Will the platform passenger safety devices be subject to a separate tendering?
It will be included in the traffic system tender.
Is there a General Security Agreement between Bulgaria and Sweden?
The issue regarding bilateral security protection agreements needs to be investigated, as there are different levels of agreements. We cannot provide an answer at this point concerning a specific country. We need to ensure that the agreement between our respective countries is valid for the commercial market.
Is the registration as supplier with TransQ sufficient or registration is necessary with Magnit too?
No. Please note that it is not necessary to be registered with both Magnit and TransQ, as these systems serve different purposes and target different types of suppliers. If you are a consultancy firm and wish to be considered for consultancy assignments, you should contact Magnit. If you are interested in participating in our construction procurements, registration with TransQ under the relevant code is required.
As a consulting firm, we need to go through Magnit for prequalification or that is only for independent consultants and any firms would be considered as suppliers and go through TransQ?
Consultancy work is provided to FUT through Magnit, regardless of the type or scope of the assignment. This includes both services from individual consultants as well as larger consultancy assignments that require a full consultancy organisation to carry out the work, for example, design and engineering.
When is the prequalification phase planned for the traffic system suppliers?
Please see the procurement schedule on our website.
Will there be a specific contract for the detailed design of the depot
Not fully decided yet.
Can you summarize which areas that is more or less only rock and which one includes more soft soils.
There are a few locations at shafts where a layer of clay and soft soil need to be excavated from the surface. For the tunnels, there are no soft soil unless for a few locations with semifractured rock mass.
What will the economic requirements be like for different contracts?
The financial requirements for a supplier are determined for each procurement, depending on the size and complexity of the contract.
It was mentioned that platform screen doors were still linked to some sort of decision, can you please elaborate regarding this please? Are platform screen doors not necessarily included in the project?
Everything points towards that it will be included but we need to wait on the final decision.
There are no self-driving trains in Sweden today. What signalling system are you planning to use for that? What are the thoughts on this?
The traffic system/signalling system requirements will be specified within the coming year and will be clear in the procurement documentation.
In which package is BEST works included?
Majority of the BEST works are included in the Traffic system but there will also be separate contracts for this.
Will the supplier or FUT handle the rock waste of the TBM- the reception site?
From the TBM site (s), the contractor should transport all muck to a rock waste hub. This hub will be a separate contract including crushing and distribution.
Will the October supplier’s day online or in presence, which would help a lot to establish personal relations.
Thank you for your feedback. We have not yet decided how the supplier day in October will be carried out.
When and how will you purchase the BEST-designing?
The BEST design will largely be incorporated into the Traffic System.
Contract 4 was called D&B Buildings. Will contract 3 also be D&B for TBM tunnel?
TBM tunnel contract also includes D&B for the station Årstaberg, connecting tunnels, shafts eg, all excavated by D&B.
MWD interpretation and digital geological mapping is well-established in Norwegian projects – any plans for this type of documentation in gula linjen? Who will supply geologists for the project, the client or the contractors?
MWD can be a required way of adding information for the D&B part, not yet decided. The geologist will be a part of the clients organization when D&B. For TBM not yet decided.
Do you think it is wise to require Swedish as the decisive language when Johan Brantmark admitted it will be English used on daily basis as communication language between the client and the contractor?
The contract language will be Swedish, as this provides us with greater clarity and legal certainty in case of disputes or interpretation issues. However, we understand that English is often used in daily work on site, and we are happy to use English whenever it helps the progress of the Works.
According to media a lot of construction projects managed by Region Stockholm are in trouble. How do you explain this and what will you do to ensure that the cooperation between the client and the contractors will run smoothly?
We acknowledge that large infrastructure projects often face challenges – this is not unique to our region. Rather than commenting on media reporting, we focus on transparent dialogue with the market and clear, structured tenders. We believe that strong collaboration is key to success, and we take active responsibility to support project delivery while securing scope, quality and results.
What are your expectations for Pre excavation grouting, especially for the TBM? Look to Oslo VAV design with three boom TBMs?
We think the amount of pregrouting for the TBM will be limited. However, a solution of barriers must the be in place, eg Bullflex or similar.
The TBM boring project has earlier been planned as a fixed price Turnkey project. Is this still the case, or do you plan to procure it as an ECI project?
It is planned to be Design and Build. No ECI.
Depot equipment, to maintain the trains, will it be in the transportation system contract or depot contract?
Special tooling for the vehicles will be included in the Traffic system.
Are international contractors/subcontractors tendering for Stockholm Metro required to have a local branch or subsidiary in Sweden?
No, this is not necessary.
How can we as tenderers ensure that the tender submitted can be accepted? In previous procurements you have withdrawn submitted tenders that exceed budget. Tenders for FUT are very expensive to implement and it would be good if we knew whether the tender can be accepted or not due to budget.
Our projects are financed through agreements with our funding partners within the framework of the Sweden Negotiation. This means we do not have room to procure at higher costs than planned. To avoid bids exceeding our budget limits, we encourage early and active dialogue with us. The aim is to ensure a clear understanding of the contracts being procured and to reduce the risk of cost-driving requirements and conditions in our tender documents – as well as unnecessary risk premiums in the bids.
Regarding the traffic system: Why have you decided to put together the rolling stock and the infrastructure into one contract?
An analysis of the market situation, our needs for passenger train services and the importance of system integration have made us come to the decision to make a procurement of a complete and fully integrated traffic system.