Awarded contracts
Here is a listing of the latest awarded contracts.

3728 Overall telecommunications and control systems, Arenastaden, awarded in December 2024
Contract is signed with Sociedad Ibéria De Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A. The contract includes execution of overall telecommunication and control system for the stations Södra Hagalund, Arenastaden, Hagastaden, along the entire length of the service tunnel as well as in technical spaces located in the entire length of the service tunnel. Telecommunications and control systems include telecommunications, control systems, passage systems, fire alarm systems, camera systems with associated cable laying and monitoring as well as integration and testing against superior systems.
The contract amount is estimated to approximately SEK 148.5 millions with index adjustment.
3723 Construction and installation, Arenastaden, awarded in November 202
Contract is signed with In3prenör AB. The contract covers construction and installation work within one (1) station, Arenastaden, and in the connecting service tunnel. Construction and installation work includes frame completion with lightweight walls, brick walls, wall panels, forging, glass sections, floors, suspended ceilings and other surface layers, VS, air treatment, sprinklers, electricity and backup power as well as lighting, transport vertical lift and inclined lift, etc. Compensation according to current billing against a target cost and with contractor’s fee 9.5%.
Construction and installationworks, Södra Hagalund, 3722, awarded October 2024
The contract is with MVB Öst AB. The contract includes The contract includes construction and installation work within one station, Södra Hagalund, as well as in the connecting service tunnel. The stairs start from the middle of the platform room up to the entrance level.
Construction and installation work refers to frame completion with lightweight walls, brick walls, wall panels, forging, glass sections, floors, suspended ceilings and other surface layers. VS, air treatment, sprinklers, electricity and reserve power as well as lighting, transport vertical elevator and inclined elevator etc. This contract includes VA works and pumping stations for the Södra Hagalund, Arenastaden and Hagastaden stations.
Electricity 400 V, Tele, Kungsträdgården – Nacka – Söderort, 2672, awarded June 2024
The contract is with Elektrosignal Infra Stockholm AB. The contract includes 400 V installations (e.g. lighting, power outlets) as well as telecom installations (e.g. fibre network, camera installations, radio system, IP network) in rail and service tunnels.
The contract is for the Kungsträdgården – Nacka and Söderort sections.
The contract is estimated to approximatley SEK 337 million.
Coordination & Logistics, Nacka – Söderort, 26310, awarded November 2023
The contract is with Cramo AB. The contract includes the execution of coordination and logistics by providing services utilized by other contractors within construction, installation, and BEST. For example: provide service to other contractors, construction services, establishing sites, temporary installations, general services, logistics centre, transport and BAS-U.
The contract is estimated to approximatley SEK 720 million.
Signalling (Blå och yttre Grön), Kungsträdsgården – Nacka – Söderort, 26731, awarded January 2024
The contract is with Elektrosignal Infra AB. The contract includes signal installations for Kungsträdgården – Nacka – Söderort.
The contract is estimated to approximatley SEK 43,5 million .
Track walking paths third rail, Kungsträdsgården – Sofia – Sockenplan, 26711, awarded January 2024
The contract is with Rosenqvist Entreprenad AB. The contract includes tracks, third rail, disconnectors, walkway along tracks and cable trays along tracks on the Kungsträdgården – Sofia – Sockenplan section.
The contract is estimated to approximatley SEK 275 millions.
Construction works stations, Nacka – Söderort, 2651, awarded October 2023.
The contract is with OHL Sverige AB. The contract includes non-load-bearing elements of 7 new metro stations along the Blue Line in Nacka and Söderort. The scope is all station spaces, technical rooms, and concrete and asphalt works in the service tunnel. These works include light walling, doors and glazed partitions, ironworks, suspended ceilings, floor coverings, all wall and ceiling finishes, and collaboration in integrating the artistic decoration. The contract also includes the coordination of other contractors’ planning and work within the work area. The contract is estimated to approximately SEK 1 billion.
Construction work, Barkarby, 47191, awarded October 2023
The contract is with Implenia. The contract includes to carry out art construction works including concrete works to a volume of approx. 10,000 m3 for the ticket hall, risers etc. on a construction contract. The work occurs both in the rock tunnels and above ground. The contract is estimated to SEK 300 millions.
Duct installation and cable routing, Nacka – Söderort, 2674, awarded October 2023
The contract is with Elektrosignal Infra AB. The contract includes the installation of cable ladders and cable brackets in rail and service tunnels, as well as the procurement and routing of EST (electrical, signal and telecom) cables. The contract is for the Kungsträdgården – Nacka and Sofia – Sockenplan sections. The contract valuce is estimated to SEK 366 millions.
HVAC, Nacka – Söderort, 26650, awarded September 2023
The contract is with Bravida Sverige AB. The contract includes HVAC, including fire and tunnel ventilation for all seveb stations and the Blue line on the Kungsträdgården – Nacka/Söderort section. The contract value is estimated to SEK 500 millions.
Track, walking paths and third rail, Hammarby kanal – Nacka, 26712, awarde August 2023
The contract is with Strukton Rail AB. The contract includes tracks, third rail, disconnectors, walkway along tracks and cable trays along tracks. The contract value is estimated to SEK 230 millions.
Signalling works, Järfällatunneln, 4744, awarded June 2023
The contract is with Strukton Rail AB. The contract includes signalling installations for the Akalla-Barkarby section. The contract value is estimated t to SEK 6 millions.
Elevators and high capacity elevators, Nacka Söderort, 26610, awarded May 2023
The contract is with Kone Aktiebolag. The contract includes the construction of passenger lifts at the new stations Sofia ( 2 ) Sickla ( 4 ), Hammarby kanal ( 2 ), Järla ( 2 ), Nacka C ( 5 ), Gullmarsplan ( 3 ) and Slakthusområdet ( 1 ). The contract also includes high capacity elevators at the new stations Sofia ( 8 ), Gullmarsplan ( 5 ) och Nacka C ( 6 ).
The execution also refers to supervision, care and maintenance for twelve months after the final inspection. The contract value is approximately SEK 190 millions.
Inclined elevators, Nacka Söderort, 26612, awarded May 2023
The contract is with SMW Elevator AB. The contract includes
the construction of inclined elevators at the new stations in Sickla ( 2 ), Järla ( 2 ), Nacka C ( 1 ), Gullmarsplan ( 1 ), Slakthusområdet ( 3 ) and Hammarby kanal ( 4 ).The execution also refers to supervision, care and maintenance for twelve months after the final inspection. The contract value is approximately SEK 56 millions.
Civil works, Akalla to Barkabystaden, 4718, awarded March 2023
The contract is with Rover Infraestructuras S.A. The contract includes concret works on Barkabystaden station. The contract valuse is estimated to SEK 300 millions.
Material delivery, 26835, awarded November 2022
The contract is agreed with Infranord. The contract includes manufacture and delivery of signal stands. The contract value is estimated to SEK 0.7 millions.
Material delivery, 26833, awarded November 2022
The contract is agreed with Elektrosignal Infra Sthlm. The contract includes manufacture and delivery of impedance bonds. The contract value is estimated to SEK 30 millions.
Material delivery, 26832, awarded December 2022
Five contracts are agreed with Infranord. The contracts include manufacture and delivery of relays, fuses, resistors, isolation transformers, rectifiers and more for signal security systems. The contract value is estimated to SEK 4.3 millions.
Escalators, Nacka and Sickla, 26622, awarded December 2022
The contract is agreed with TK Elevator Sweden. The contract includes 17 escalators at Nacka and Sickla stations. The contract value is estimated to SEK 115 millions.
Escalators >30 meters, Nacka and Söderort, 26621, awarded December 2022
The contract is agreed with TK Elevator Sweden. The contract includes 11 escalators with a lifting height over 30 meters for the stations Hammarby kanal, Slakthusområdet, Sickla and Nacka C. The contract value is estimated to SEK 170 millions.
Escalators <30 meters, Nacka and Söderort, 26620, awarded December 2022
The contract is agreed with Kone aktiebolag. The contract includes 35 escalators, with a possibility of addition for 3 escalators, with a lifting height lower than 30 meters, for all 7 stations on the stretch Kungsträdgården–Nacka/Söderort. The contract value is estimated to SEK 240 millions.
Civil works, Sockenplan stage 2 and Slakthuset, 9712, awarded June 2022
The contract is agreed with OHLA Sverige. The contract includes rock excavation for rail tunnel and station spaces, concrete works (including planning), road relocation, geo structures (including planning), and associated ground works. The contract value is estimated to SEK 1 billion.
Connecting track between Högdal Depot and Farstagrenen, 5710, awarded 13 May 2022
The contract is agreed with Implenia Sverige AB. The contract includes rock excavation, primarily below ground, concrete works, service tunnel, and non-load-bearing elements as well as installations in the access and service tunnel, connecting tracks and underground train yard. The contract value is estimated to SEK 1 billion.
Civil works Järla 8715, awarded 1 April 2022
The contract is agreed with China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd (CRTG). The contract includes rock shaft for rail tunnel, holding tracks and station spaces and concreting works as well as connecting earth works. The contract value is estimated to SEK 600 millions.
Track, electric power, signal- and telecommunication, Högdalen depot 5740
The contract is agreed with Broby spår. The contract includes all new Track-, Electrical power, Signal , Telecommunication installations and channeling within exiting depot in Högdalen and new tunnel between existing depot and greenline. The contract value is estimated to SEK 238 millions.
Rock excavation and civil works, Arenastaden – Södra Hagalund 3717, awarded 18 Februari 2022
The contract is agreed with Itinera S.p.A. The contract includes construction of a access tunnel and preparation of an establishment area, rock shafts for tunnels, platform rooms, vertical shafts. Works with heavy steel and concrete framework for Arenastaden and Södra Hagalund station and connecting tunnels to Hagastaden. Earth and foundation works for ticket halls. The contract value is estimated to SEK 1,3 billions.
Civil works Hammarby kanal 7716, awarded 7 Februari 2022
The contract is agreed with Itinera S.p.A. The contract comprises a rock shaft for rail tunnel and station areas at Sofia and Hammarby kanal. Concreting works and connecting earth works for ways up and entrances are also included. The contract is agreed with Strukton Rail AB. The contract includes track-, electrical-, signal- and telecommunication works. The contract value is estimated to SEK 832 millions.
Track, Electricity, Järfällatunneln 4743, awarded 3 December 2021
The contract is agreed with Strukton Rail AB. The contract includes track-, Electrical-, Signal- and Telecommunication works. The contract value is estimated to SEK 170 millions.
Building and installation, Järfällatunnel and stations 4721, awarded 30 November 2021
The contract is agreed with Skanska Sverige AB. The contract includes framework completion installations (building incl. telecom). The contract value is estimated to SEK 900 millions.
Civil works Sickla 8714, awarded 5 October 2021
The contract is agreed with CRTG. The contract includes rock shaft for rail tunnel and station areas. Concreting works and connecting earth works for ways up. The contract value is estimated to SEK 932 millions.
Kungsträdgården rail and service tunnel, 7711, awarded 1 June 2021
The contract is agreed with OHL. The contract includes, among other things, rock excavation for track and service tunnels on Blasieholmen. It also includes concrete works and associated ground works. The contract is a pure construction contract. The contract value is estimated to SEK 699 million.
Civil works Gullmarsplan 9715, awarded 28 May 2021
The contract is agreed with Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A. The contract includes excavation work for rail tunnel and station spaces, vertical shafts to connect to existing station, concrete works and associated ground works. The contract is a pure construction contract and the contract value is estimated to SEK 885 million.
Civil works Sofia 7715, awarded 3 May 2021
The contract is agreed with Implenia Sweden AB. The contract includes rock shaft for rail tunnel and station areas. Concreting works and connecting earth works for ways up and entrances are also included. The contact is an execution contract. The contract value is estimated to SEK 1 billion.
Pure construction contract 5711 Kvicksundsvägen, awarded 15 March 2021
The contract is agreed with PEAB. The contract includes a concrete tunnel under Kvicksundsvägen, including preparatory works, sheet piling, and earth and rock excavation. The contract is a pure construction contract and the contract value is estimated to SEK 123 million.
Civil works 8716 Nacka, awarded 11 February 2021
The contract is agreed with Skanska. The contract includes rock excavation for rail tunnel and station spaces, concrete works and ground works. The contract is a pure construction contract and the contract value is estimated to SEK 1 billion.
Work tunnel Örbyleden 5712, awarded 8 February 2021
The contract is agreed with YIT. The contract includes a work tunnel for future work on expanding Högdalen depot with new connection tracks and a new underground storage hall. The contact is an execution contract. The work will initiate in March 2021 and the contract value is estimated to SEK 90 million.
Station Hagastaden 3711, awarded 2 February 2021
The contract is agreed with NCC. The contract includes e.g., rock shaft for tunnels towards Odenplan and Hagalund, platform area, vertical shaft, steel and concrete frame work, installations and interior design for station Hagastaden. The contact is an execution contract. The contract value is estimated to SEK 1.3 billion.